Our Story
Soulside opened its doors in 2018 with the goal of making yoga more accessible physically and financially. As a 501c3 Non-profit led by an Executive Director and Board of Directors, Soulside is run by and for the community with checks, balances, and transparency built-in. The teachers and facilitators at Soulside are drawn to the idea that accessibility, sustainability, and community are part of a holistic self-care practice. We seek to support our team’s professional growth so that our offerings are always becoming more trauma-aware, diverse, and accessible for those who need them most.
Since opening, we have provided sliding scale holistic wellness offerings in our studio, at workplaces, and with community partners. In 2020, we launched a sizable online library of on-demand videos. We continue to live stream many of our in-studio classes. In 2023, we launched another arm under the umbrella of holistic wellness with the Community Doula Program.
We continue to value working smarter, not harder, and taking our time as we build sustainable relationships with those we serve. A key to social movements as described by activist and writer Adrienne Maree Brown is to “move at the speed of trust.” Our vision of radical self-love, community care, and resourced and regulated bodies depends on slow, relational work. We’re grateful for those weaving threads of wellness with us!
Our studio in Peoria’s Warehouse District primarily offers pay-what-you-can classes.
19% of Peorians, or about 22,000 people, live below the poverty line. The zip codes with the most poverty (61605, 61603, and 61606) are neighboring or nearby Soulside. The downtown district is seeing a renewed focus on development right next door to the city’s longest standing and poorest neighborhoods. We hope to serve as a bridge, bringing people together across differences. We believe that when we work to heal ourselves next to someone different than us, we’re also healing our city’s cultural divides. For this to happen, everyone needs to have access. That’s where our pay-what-you-can model comes into play.
We ask students to make a donation with consideration of their income.
Market rate for a class in our area is $15-$25. If you make enough money to sustain your basic needs, then we hope you’ll consider donating market rate or even higher, which helps subsidize classes for those who are facing financial hardships.
We have no expectations other than that you are honest with what you are able to invest in your mental and physical health. We’re glad you’re here, no matter what you are able to donate.
We don’t ask for proof of financial situations because they’re always changing and providing proof can be a barrier to access. You can simply select your donation amount when signing up for classes, or choose $0 to pay with cash when you arrive.
Some special classes, events, or workshops do require a set fee. These will always be noted in the class description. If finances are ever keeping you from signing up for a special event or workshop with a set fee, email info@soulsidehealingarts.com to inquire about work/study or scholarship options. If you want to be here, we want you here.